Local Community Based Greenhouse Gas Removal Services Becoming a Reality

If the current man made greenhouse gases and methane were removed from the air, humanity would lower the global temperature by half a degree Celsius.

There is a technology which can emit the hydroxyl radical, whose formula is OH* on a large scale to do this. This OH* is lighter than water in air and floats along with the wind until it can react with one of the greenhouse gases and remove them. About half of the OH* put in the air meets with these gases.

When the OH* is made by the technology, it starts with one oxygen radical, an O*. This O* makes contact with water and forces the water to react and make two OH*.

The formula is O* + H2O→ 2OH*

In this way an oxygen-like OH is doubled, which makes the process much more effective and efficient.

Scientists have learned that this common molecule does over 90% of all of atmospheric cleansing but the synthetic greenhouse gases have components called halogens which require enhanced levels of OH to be removed or extra time to be exposed to OH* to be removed. We need to get the global temperature down as quickly as possible now or we face reaching more deadly tipping points from which it will be very hard or impossible to recover and this approach can definitely help.

Using solar powered technology we can produce the hydroxyl radical and send it into the air where this natural cleanser will be strengthened and remove the more potent gases which cause global warming. These gases are very much the culprits that cause worsened forest fires, floods, droughts and heat waves and we are told that we are going to experience worse impacts in these disasters in 2019.

While we are all working to reduce our dangerous GHG emissions, we need to be building technology and methods to remove GHGs from the atmosphere to protect everyone. We are all in danger of suffering from some form of disaster caused by global warming climate damages and we need to take real action to dramatically increase greenhouse gas removal.

Greenhouse gas arrester technology is a real action that can be taken to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and your community can put it to work for you so that you can do your part in reversing climate damages. GC Green Carbon Inc can work with your local government to put the hydroxyl radical to work reducing the whole community’s greenhouse gases, and leave the air quality higher at the same time, including providing odor reduction. Hydroxyl radicals are FDA approved for indoor use and because they are found in nature, they are considered helpful and harmless. Putting more of them to work in the air would only be logical. The provincial and federal governments will pay part of the costs of building the technology, and further, can pay an incentive for GHG removal work from the carbon tax.

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